Friday, April 8, 2011

What is fear? (Conclusion)

My Fear Presentation went off pretty flawlessly, if I do say so myself. Thankfully, the topic of caring about what others think/say about you came up as an aside conversation during one of the other presentations, and that made the perfect transition for me to get up and let people publicly take a swing at me on my own blog.

If you scroll down to a few blog posts back you can see what all was said about me. Not unsurprisingly, it started with my personal appearance, quickly turned into a flame war, and ended by questioning my sexuality. Ah, the joys of the internet! I really wasn't offended or upset by anything that was said about me. In fact, the whole thing was a lot of fun. Everyone was laughing, including myself. I kind of expected this. I really didn't think anyone would be seriously "touched" by my presentation, but I do hope that the next time they are worried or upset about what they believe others are saying or feeling about them, they will remember how much fun we had in class when I decided to say, "Here I am, I don't give a fuck!"

One thing happened afterwards though that I did not expect. Two days after class, I was talking with a couple of my buddies on campus when Mr. Glasscock walked by. Without thinking about it, I gave him the head nod, he returned it and I said, "How's it going?" to which he replied, "Not much, you?" and I said, "Same." (Or something to that affect. It was over a week ago so I don't remember our exact words, but I think that's pretty close.)

Ladies you probably are reading this like, "aaaaaaand? So, what?" but what you don't understand is, that that exchange of "Sup?" and "Not much." is something guys do with people they are somewhat friends with. Perhaps it would help to say that Mr. Glasscock and I have never talked at all before that day and that he was one of the big contributors to my blog during my Fear Presentation.

What I am trying to get at is that I believe we inadvertantly connected a little bit that day. I literally told this guy to make fun of me on the internet, he did, we laughed and now we are bros.*

Uhhhh... WTF? Who saw that coming? But it proves my point ultimately; being afraid of what other people say about you or think about you is just silly. If you can let it roll off you or you can laugh about it or just stop caring altogether, you'll be so much happier. And ultimately, that's why the fear doesn't exist for me! I am happy with myself and how I live my life, and I am not going to let anyone's words or thoughts take that away from me!

*I don't know if Mr. Glasscock actually considers us bros. I can't speak for him. I am just going off of what I personally experienced and believe to have happened. Not trying to force you into a bromance, Glasscock. ;)

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