Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What is fear?


When we were given this assignment, I wasn't too sure about it. I don't really feel that this is going to help me much. Not because I am not afraid of anything, but because my fears are all pretty small.

I am afraid of spiders and scorpions and snakes and things like that. I also get a bit nervous when it comes to heights. But when it comes to fears that affect my life, I think I have a pretty good handle on things.

A lot of people are afraid of what others think of them or how others perceive them. They are nervous speaking in front of others or showing off their work. They are afraid to be themselves because they are afraid of being judged.

For me, these are the fears that it is important to overcome, and for me, these aren't much of a problem. Why? Because I honestly don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks of me.

I live my life the way I feel is right, and I have no regrets. I don't have difficulty sleeping at night and there is nothing I would change in my past if given the chance. (Okay, I might tip myself off on some winning lotto numbers, but who wouldn't?)

When you live your life the way you think others want you to, you give up who you really are! THAT is something to be truly afraid of!

For this assignment, I am going to make a new blog entry that will be written by the class. I will start it off by typing, "My name is Jayson Puckett and I..." What I tell the world about me will be written entirely by the class.

Will this upset me? Will I be embarrassed? Hell no. Like I said already, I just don't care how the rest of the world perceives me. However, by doing this, I hope that I show others that there is no reason to be afraid of what others say or think about you!

This isn't exactly me facing any of my fears, but instead hopefully showing others some things that they shouldn't be afraid of. I hope that someone gets something out of this, but I am a pessimist, so I'm not holding my breath.

Either way, I think this should prove to be a very fascinating experiment. We shall see. Keep your eyes peeled for the next blog!

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